Meta Data

Meta Data Overview

Using Meta Data (custom fields/attributes) to capture additional information in Commerce7

In this article

Meta Data Overview (VIDEO)

What is Meta Data?

Types of Meta Data

How is Meta Data Used?

Reporting on Meta Data

Creating embedded, shareable links using Meta Data

Free Training Friday: Meta Data Magic

Meta Data Overview


What is Meta Data?

It's simply another way of saying 'Custom Field' or 'Custom Attribute'.

Meta Data is a way to collect information that Commerce7 does not automatically collect by default. 

When you collect this additional information, you can analyze and report on it.

  • Example: You want to track which hotel concierge is sending you the most valuable guests. You can add Meta Data fields to Orders so that concierge information can be recorded (and then reported on later). 

Types of Meta Data

Depending on the specific information you want to collect, you will choose the applicable Meta Data Type. Click on the 'Learn more' links to dive into specific use-cases.

Allocations - Learn more Orders - Learn more
Club Memberships - Learn more Products - Learn more
Collections - Learn more Reservations - Learn more
Customers - Learn more Reservation Experiences - Learn more
Customer Addresses - Learn more  


How is Meta Data being used?

Meta Data serves as a versatile and potent tool for enhancing your reporting capabilities. Its uses vary from straightforward to highly innovative.. 

Common Uses

Thinking outside of the box

  • How'd you hear about us? (Order Meta Data) Learn more
  • Expanded Tasting Notes (Product Meta Data) Learn more




There are a couple of ways to report on Meta Data.

  1. Exports - Order exports, Customer exports, Club Membership exports, etc include columns for Meta Data.
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  2. Dynamic Tags - You can define Meta Data as a condition for Dynamic Tags. From there, you can use filters or create Queries.
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