
Common Customer Queries

This article focuses on common Customer Queries - and suggested marketing efforts based on the results

In this Article

Customer Query Basics

New to Customer Queries? Start here! 

Query #1: High Lifetime Value Customers who are Non-Club Members

What this Query shows

  • Customers who have spent over $1000 
  • AND Not current active Club Members

Why should you consider targeting this segment?

  • These Customers clearly enjoy your wine. It's time to encourage Club Membership!

What marketing could you consider?

  • As an enticement to join, you may want to temporarily grant them access to Club benefits like Discounts and complimentary tastings. Learn about Discounts here.

Here are the Conditions to choose:

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Query #2: Customer Birth Month or Day

What this Query shows

  • Customers with an October birthday (obviously you can choose any month)

Why should you consider targeting this segment?

  • This is a personal way to show your Customer that you're thinking about them - it makes them feel good and connected to your brand.

What marketing could you consider?

  • Try offering a 'HAPPYBIRTHDAY' Coupon Code for a special birthday Discount or complimentary tasting.
  • Add a Personalization to your website so that when they log in, they'll see a personalized birthday message. Learn about Personalizations here.

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Query #3: First Order in X Month

What this Query shows

  • Customers who placed their first Order in October (or any month of your choosing)

Why should you consider targeting this segment?

  • Encourage these first-time purchasers to purchase again

What marketing could you consider?

  • Why not send them a one-time use Coupon Code to encourage these Customers to re-order. 
  • Add a Cart Carrot to your website so that when they log in, they'll see a personalized  message and/or incentive to purchase. Learn about Cart Carrots here.
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Query #4: Subscribers without a purchase

What this Query shows

  • Customers who are already subscribed to your Mailing List
  • AND they've never made a purchase

Why should you consider targeting this segment?

  • These Subscribers may still be evaluating your offerings and feeling hesitant to make their first purchase

What marketing could you consider?

  • You should focus on addressing their concerns and providing reassurance. Share your brand's story with  to create connection. Offer up a Coupon Code with a time limit. This should prompt them to take action. 

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Query #5: Purchased on POS but never online

What this Query shows

  • Customers who have purchased in the Tasting Room
  • AND have never purchased online

Why should you consider targeting this segment?

  • The objective should be to encourage them to make online purchases.

What marketing could you consider?

  • One effective strategy is to provide them with a link to your Magic Link page, where they can easily create a login. Additionally, offering them Coupon Codes for Free Shipping can help alleviate any concerns they may have about ordering online. Learn about the Magic Link here and learn about Coupon Codes here.

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Query #6: Regular customers who have stopped ordering recently

What this Query shows

  • Customers who have spent over $1000 
  • AND have not purchase in the past year

Why should you consider targeting this segment?

  • These customers clearly enjoy your wine. This presents a great opportunity to offer them Club Membership. 

What marketing could you consider?

  • Encourage them back with Coupon Codes or shipping incentives
  • Create a Welcome Back email campaign that includes the Coupon Code you created.
    Learn about Coupons to Campaigns here

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Query #7: Customers who purchased specific SKUs

What this Query shows

  • Customers who have purchased a specific SKU. 

Why should you consider targeting this segment?

  • Knowing that your Customers like a particular SKU enables you to personalize (and therefore upsell) during their shopping experience.

What marketing could you consider?

  • Create a Personalization with a  Collection that includes their preferred varietal. That way, they will be enticed to purchase. Learn more about Personalizations here.
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Query #8: Members with Expired or Expiring Cards

What this Query shows

  • Active Club Members who have an expired card - or whose card is expiring this month. 

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Query # 9: All Active Subscribers Who Have Purchased in the Past 2 Years

What this Query shows

  • All Active Subscribers who have purchased from you in the past 2 years.

Why should you consider targeting this segment?

  • It's important to only communicate to those who will be engaged. Otherwise you run the risk of being perceived as spamming and having a high unsubscribe rate (which can affect your ability to send email campaigns in the future).

What marketing could you consider?

  • It is advisable to focus your communications on this specific segment when reaching out to your entire mailing list. Doing so helps maintain an organized and current list, ultimately improving your engagement rates and ensuring higher open rates for your emails. 

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