
Corporate Orders, Corporate Gifts

Corporate Orders extension allows you to create multiple orders, with multiple shipping addresses for one single billing customer. The billing customer who is paying for all the orders will only see one charge for the total amount.

This documentation includes:

Enabling Corporate Orders

Adding a Corporate Order

Filling out CSV File

Processing Corporate Order

Refunding a Corporate Order



Enabling Corporate Orders

To enable Corporate Orders, please go to Apps & Extensions and activate Corporate Orders.

Adding a Corporate Order

Go to Store > Orders and select Corporate Orders at the top.

Then click on Add Corporate Order.

On the Add Corporate Order page, fill in Customer and Title. The Customer fields refers to the customer paying for the corporate order.

Filling out CSV File

All dates must be in YYYY-MM-DD format, with dashes not slashes. Depending on your version of Excel, the provided template may or may not be in the correct format. Here's a brief video that shows you how to fix it.


Shipping Code can be found in Settings > Shipping Zone > Edit Icon on the Service Used > Shipping Code. 

Next, you will need to fill out your CSV containing the required information to process the Corporate Orders. We recommend downloading the sample file, filling it out using the same formatting and Upload CSV back to Commerce7. The formatting for the CSV you are uploading has to match the sample file. Corporate orders must be for shipping (pickup orders are not currently accepted).


Yes, I want Promotions to apply

Promotions are applied if the Gifter is eligible for the Promo and if the ItemPrice field is left blank in the upload template.

No, I don't want Promotions to apply

Enter a value into the ItemPrice field. Whatever you enter there will override any other pricing/discounts.

Shipping Rates

Yes, I want Shipping Rates to apply as they would to any Order

Shipping Rates will automatically apply if the ShippingPrice field is left blank in the upload template.

No, I don't want Shipping Rates to apply automatically

Enter a value into the ShippingPrice field. For example, enter a '10' in the ShippingPrice field if you'd like the Orders to calculate a $10 flat shipping fee.

Once the spreadsheet is filled out with the required data, please make sure to save it as a CSV file. Select Upload CSV File.

Once the file is successfully uploaded, you will be taken to Step 2. 

Processing Corporate Orders

No transaction emails are sent for Corporate Order processing or fulfillment.

You can choose to Skip and Unskip customers from the list in Step 2. Any issues with the data imported will also be flagged here. 

  1. Go to Step 3 to process the payment. (The amount displayed will be the sum of all processable Corporate Orders in Step 2).
  2. You can choose to pay with a Credit Card on File or External Tender.
  3. Click on the Charge Corporate Orders button.
  4. Once processed, your Corporate Orders will be listed with other Orders under Store > Orders and also in Step 2 of the Corporate Order itself.

Receipt for Purchaser 

There is no transaction email or receipt that is sent to the Purchaser. So here is what we suggest: 

After completing the payment for a Corporate Order, you have the option to generate a detailed PDF receipt. This receipt will outline the breakdown of each recipient's items, including order SKUs, shipping information, and total costs. Additionally, it will provide a summary of the overall totals, shipping charges, and taxes for the entire Corporate Order.

  1. Go to More Actions > Print Receipt. 
    Screen Shot 2024-05-09 at 4.56.51 PM
  2. Here's an example of what it looks like:
    Screen Shot 2024-05-09 at 5.07.57 PM
  3. Send this receipt as an attachment to the Purchaser along with a personal thank you email.



Refunding a Corporate Order

Did you add the incorrect shipping rate or vintage? Need to refund the Corporate Order to start over? Click here to learn how.


Reporting on Corporate Orders

While we do not have any reporting mechanisms specifically for Corporate Orders, there are a couple of manual options.

Reporting on one specific Corporate Order

If you'd like to report on all Orders associated with one specific Corporate Order,  here's how: 
  1. Go to the applicable Corporate Order and navigate to Step 2.
  2. In the Actions dropdown, choose Export Corporate Order Shipments.
  3. The export will give you all data for each Order, including dollar totals.

Reporting on all Corporate Orders

If you'd like to see ALL Corporate Orders for a particular time period, you can Tag them and then use that in an Order Query. Here's how:
  1. From the Orders screen, enter the email for the Purchaser so that you're only seeing their Orders in the results.
  2. Add a date filter to define the Pay Date. Use 'Between' and enter in the date paid for both beginning and end dates.
  3. From the Actions menu, you can Tag the results (something like, 'Nov Corp Orders').
  4. Repeat these steps for each Purchaser.
  5. Now you can run an Order Query using that Order Tag. Export that to get all of the Corp Orders for that time period. To learn more about Order Queries, click here.