Onboarding Overview, Videos & Resources
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What Fees Can You Anticipate When Getting Started with Commerce7?

Here's what you can expect aside from the monthly Commerce7 cost and credit card processing fees

As you launch and begin taking orders, it's important to understand the varying fees that may apply based on your business model and transactions processed through Commerce7.

1.  Apps & Integrations 

When you add an app or integration with a monthly fee, Commerce7 will bill you for that fee. (This charge kicks in on the upcoming C7 billing date).

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2.  Credit Card Updater

Automatic Credit Card Updater is a feature designed to automatically update expiring credit cards to the most up-to-date credit card within your Customers' Profiles. 

Once your credit card migration is complete, the automatic credit card updater will begin its job - and you will begin to be charged for this service. 

Learn how the updater works and how fees are assessed here.

3. Payment Terminals (Leased or Purchased)

Regardless of whether you lease or purchase terminals, charges will occur in the second month following the device's shipment.

Example:  A terminal shipped 7/1 or 7/31 will be billed on 9/1.

Learn more about available payment terminals/devices here.

4. PCI Compliance Management 

Commerce7 is PCI Compliant as a Level 1 service provider. This means that your Customers' credit card information is secured at the highest possible level. 

Following the completion of your initial payment batch and the transfer of funds to your bank account, a monthly PCI Management fee will be applied.

Learn more about Commerce7's PCI compliance here.