Transferring cards from WindCave to Stripe

WindCave does not have a process for migrating cards. Here are the steps to get your Customers' cards into Stripe.

Unfortunately, WindCave does not have a policy of exporting/migrating credit cards to other payment platforms. WindCave cards on file will not be available for use in Commerce7.

Here are the steps to take to ensure that your existing Customers update their cards to your Stripe account.

1.    Create your Stripe Account.

Complete all steps in the following article: How to Create a Stripe Account.

Once Stripe setup is complete, all cards for NEW Club Signups and NEW transactions will be in Stripe (and therefore available for use in Commerce7). 

2.    Send an Email Campaign.

Using Commerce7 Campaigns, send an email to all Club Members requesting them to update their card on file. This action will add the new card to Stripe (and will therefore make the cards available in Commerce7).

3.    Keep WindCave active.

Do not close your WindCave account until all cards are updated to Stripe.