Club Packages & Processing
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Club Auto Processing Times (Traditional & Subscription)

In This Article:

When do Traditional Clubs automatically process cards?

When do Subscription Clubs automatically process cards?


Traditional Club Auto Processing

The Traditional Club auto processing functionality will automatically process a Club package at the local winery time of the date that you define for the specific Package. (For directions on setting up your Club Package, click here)

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Example: If you enter a date of July 14, 2023 at 12:00 am, then all members in the Package will be automatically process on that date and time.

Both Club Members and Admins can make edits to a Club Package until one minute prior to the defined auto process date and time. In the above example, edits could be made until July 13th at 11:59pm.

Note: Club and club packages must have an 'Active' status, otherwise the auto-processing will not run. 

Note: Only members who have an active Membership, haven't been processed, and haven't skipped their shipment will be processed. (All other Members will be skipped, but you may still see them in the list.)


Subscription Club Processing

After a Club Member signs up for your Subscription Club, their FIRST Club shipment will automatically be scheduled 2 days after their sign up date, giving them a chance to make adjustments to their Package. All subsequent Club shipments will be scheduled based on the signup date. As a result, every member of the Subscription Club has a unique processing date, and their package will be processed at midnight on that specific date.

The Club > Subscription Shipments tab is where you will see all your Subscription Club Members listed.

sub shipmnets screen

Since all subscription club members have a custom process date, the list of shipments on this page will only display upcoming shipments for the next two weeks.

The Next Process Date listed for each Member = the date that their Club Package will process (and they will process at midnight on that specific date).

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Important: There is no Planning Stage for Subscription Clubs. Once the Club has been created, and Members have been added, shipments will be created 2 weeks before and payment will be captured on the processing date. If you are still in planning phase or in onboarding phase with Commerce7, you can push the process dates on the Memberships so that the first Club shipment doesn't process before you are ready. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to a few of your more commonly asked questions! If you don't see what you're looking for, contact

  1. Can I change the 'Auto Process' date after a club has been auto processed?
    No. Once a club has been auto processed the date can no longer be changed.
  2. What happens if my 'Auto Process' date is a date that has past?
    If the auto process date is set a date in the future, auto processing will happen at that future date.  If you change the date to a date in the past, the club will auto process at the top of the next hour from the time you set the 'Auto Process' date.
    Note: Club emails will only send if the auto process date is set in the future.
  3. What if I don't want a member to auto process?
    You can manually skip a club member if you do not want them auto-processed. Club members that are manually skipped before the auto process date, will not be processed. 
  4. Can I turn auto processing off?
    No - Club auto processing cannot be turned off.
  5. What will happen if I change the auto process date?
    It is not recommended to change the process date of your Traditional Club Package. If you change an auto process date to a date in the future, your package will be processed on that date.  If you change an auto process date to a date in the past, the club package will automatically process at the top of the next hour.
    Note: If you change the 'Auto Process' date, your automatic club emails will not update and will continue to trigger based on the original process date of the package.
  6. What if my customer doesn't want their Club Package charged on the auto process date?
    If you do not want a package auto processed on the 'Auto Process' date you set you can manually skip that member. When you are ready to process that Package, you can manually un-skip the Member and process them.
  7. What is someone signs up for my club on or after the 'Auto Process' date - Can I add them to the package?
    If a member signs up on or after the 'Auto Process' date, you can add them to the Club Package. Click here for more information.
  8. When is a Subscription Club Shipment 'Archived'? 
    If a Subscription Shipment experiences an error, the system will try to process the shipment once a day for 14 days. After this period, the shipment will be moved to 'Archived' status.
  9. What happens when an Admin or the Customer updates a declined card in the Membership?

    For all Payment Gateways: When the Member or Admin updates a card, ANY ACTIVE SHIPMENTS (including Packages from past Club releases) will be automatically reprocessed.  For this reason, we recommend ARCHIVING old Packages, as archived Packages cannot be charged.