What is the turnaround time from when Orders are processed to when the funds are batched and deposited into the bank?
Fullsteam Payments
Batch Time: 9:05pm EST (6:05pm PST) every night. (Contact support@commerce7.com to request a different batch time if-needed).
- Transactions batched on Tuesday will be deposited into your bank on Friday.
- Batched on Tuesday evening
- Wednesday: Business day 1
- Thursday: Business day 2
- Friday AM funds are deposited
- Transactions batched on Saturday will be deposited into your bank on Wednesday.
- Batched on Saturday evening
- Sunday: Not a Business day
- Monday: Business day 1
- Tuesday: Business day 2
- Wednesday: AM funds are deposited
(Using CardConnect with the Poynt terminal)
Your Stripe account is totally separate from Commerce7 - but here's some information about how to configure the payout schedule within Stripe:
The default payout schedule is 'Daily Automatic'. You can change this in the Stripe Dashboard to Weekly Automatic, Monthly Automatic, or Manual payouts. When selecting a weekly or monthly schedule, you can specify the day of the week or month that you want payouts to arrive in your bank account. Selecting a payout schedule doesn’t change how long it takes your pending balance to become available, but it does give you control over when your funds are paid out. For example, if your account was operating on a daily payout schedule with a 3 business day payout speed, the funds paid out daily would be from 3 business days preceding.