Report FAQs

Sales Tax by County Reporting

Report on Sales Tax by County with these solutions

Commerce7 does not have a native report for Sales Tax by County, but you have a few options:
  1. ShipCompliant: If you have a ShipCompliant account, we would recommend obtaining this data from their reporting system. If you need assistance with that, contact ShipCompliant Support at
  2. Geocoding App: The Geocoding App by Treefrog Digital will convert addresses into geographic coordinates and add County for all of your Commerce7 orders. One of the features includes a Tax by County report. Learn about the app here.  
  3. Manual Order Export: You can also perform an Order Export and sort the Zip Code column to sort orders based on Zip Code and manually add the values together. There is also a column for City, if you want to look at Sales Tax by City. Learn about Order exports here.