
Placing a Traditional Club Membership on Hold

Learn about what Traditional Club Membership Holds are, how to add them, and how they work with Club Releases.

Holds can only be placed on Traditional Clubs, not Subscription Clubs.

If a membership is on hold, the customer will not receive any club releases during that timeframe. They will continue to receive any other club member discount benefits that you have set up (discounts on orders, comp'd tastings, etc).

Adding a membership hold

  1. Under to Club > Memberships > search the club members name in the search field and select the club membership.
  2. Scroll down to the On Hold section on the right and click Add A Hold to Membership
  3. Add the Start Date and End Date for the hold, the Reason and any Comments
    1. Start Date: The membership will resume as normal until this date. Add todays date for the hold to begin immediately.
    2. End Date: This is the date that the hold will automatically be removed. 
    3. Reason & Comments: Enter the reason to track why the hold is being added. (There is currently no way to add a custom "Reason".)
  4. Click Add Hold

    Membership Holds & Club Releases

    Club members cannot receive any shipments while their membership is on hold, but there are scenarios where you may see them listed in a club release.

    • If a club membership is put On Hold then a club release is created:
      • They will not be included in the club release.
    • If a club release is created then a club membership is put On Hold:
      • They were already included in the club release, so they will not be removed, but they cannot be processed as long as the hold exists. (You'll see a message for their membership in the shipment.)
      • They will receive the upcoming shipment reminder emails, but they will clearly state that they will not be receiving the release unless the hold is removed. This gives them the opportunity to resume their membership if they wish to receive the shipment products. 
    • If a club release is created then a club membership hold is removed:
      • They can be added to the club release as long as the Auto-Process Date hasn't been reached. When you go into the "Shipments" list of the club release, you'll see a notification that a member can be added. Click it and select the member to add them.
      • If the "Auto-Process Date" has already passed, they cannot be added to that club release.

    Removing a membership hold

    1. Under to Club > Memberships > search the club members name in the search field and select the club membership.
    2. Scroll down to the On Hold section on the right. If there are any active holds, you'll see the hold dates listed as a link.
    3. Click the link to edit the hold.
    4. Click More Actions, then Delete to remove the hold. 

    If the Hold has already started you cannot delete this record in the system. You will need to input today's date as the end of the hold to re-activate the club membership.