
Filtering and Searching Orders

Use Filters to refine your Order search.

Searching Orders

To search for an Order navigate to Store > Orders. In the search bar you can type: 

  • Order number (partial or full number)
  • Customer email address (partial or full email address)
  • Customer First/Last name (partial or full name)

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Filtering Orders

Quick default filters at the top of the page:

  • Recent Orders will filter the orders from the last 30 days 
  • All Orders will display all orders (displaying the first 50 on page 1) 
  • Unfulfilled Orders will display all orders with an unfulfilled status 

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You can also filter by Fulfillment Status.

fulfill status

Additionally, the More Filters dropdown provides you with the ability to select additional filters to further refine your search.

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Once you have the desired list, simply click on the Actions button to access a range of options including Export, Print, and Tag Orders, among others. (Learn more specifically about the Export Orders feature here.)

actions download