
Displaying a Product as Sold Out on Your Website

Do you have a sold out or otherwise unavailable Product that you'd still like to display on your website as "Sold Out"?

You have two options

Option 1: Inventory Settings

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  1. Click on the Product/Location in question.
  2. Change the Inventory Policy to 'Don't Sell'. Learn how to change your Inventory Policy here
  3. Reset your Available for Sale quantity to '0'. Learn how to Reset your Inventory here.

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What will this do?

The Product will still display on the website but it will not have an 'Add to Cart' option for Customers to purchase.

Want it to display the words, 'Sold Out'?

If you want the Product to read 'Sold Out' on the website you can edit the name of the Product or the SubTitle of the product to read 'Sold Out' or 'Unavailable until XX date'.

To do this, go to Store > Products and click on the Product you want to edit and add the text to the Title or SubTitle field.

Note: This option will show the product as 'Sold Out' on both the collection page and the Product detail page.


Option 2: Retired Status

You can use the Retired Status on the Product setup.

  • Click on Store > Products and click on the Product you want to edit and check the box for 'Retired' under the Web Status section.

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What will this do?

This option will remove the 'Add the Cart' options so Customers can't purchase. 

Note: The Product will not display in a Collection - but will be available (if needed) as a detailed page for SEO purposes (usually used for marketing). 

Learn more about Product Statuses here.