
Viewing Sent Emails for a Customer

View Transaction Emails that have been sent to a Customer

All transaction emails that Customer receives are listed under the Email Tab on the Customer Profile.

  1. Click into the applicable Customer Record.
  2. Click the Emails tab.
  3. You will see all Transaction Emails that have been sent to this Customer.
    1. Date sent
    2. Subject
    3. Opened date (if applicable)
    4. Clicked date (if applicable)
    5. Bounced date (if applicable)

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  4. If you'd like to Resend the email (in the case where the Customer didn't receive it for some reason), click into the email and choose the Resend Email button.
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NOTE: Any emails with expiring links should not be resent from here.

This includes the following:

  • 'Activating an Account'
  • 'Forgot Password'
  • 'Magic Link'

Instead, resend these from the Customer record under More Actions.

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Learn more about setting up Transaction Emails here.