Subscription Club FAQs
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  3. Subscription Club FAQs

Can a Club Member put their own Membership 'On Hold', 'Skip a Shipment' or 'Cancel' from their Account?

V2: A Club Member can 'Skip this Shipment' or 'Cancel Club'.

Note: Putting a membership on 'Hold' is only available for the Cancellation reason = 'Pregnancy'. When 'Pregnancy' is chosen as a Cancellation reason, they will have the option to Hold for 9 months.

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  • Traditional: Member can 'Skip this Shipment' and 'Cancel Club' if there is an active Package. Member can place Membership 'On Hold' or 'Cancel Club' if there is no active Shipment.
  • Subscription: Member can 'Skip this Shipment' or 'Cancel Club' but cannot place their Membership 'On Hold'.

Traditional Club, active Package:

V1 cancel ship


Traditional Club, no active Package:



Subscription Club:

V1 sub

Do you want to disable the ability for Members to Cancel or Skip online?

Click here to learn how.