What does this error mean: "This customer is currently blocked due to too many bad login attempts"?

Why is your Customer receiving this error? (One of two reasons):
  1. Customer Login Attempts:
    This message appears when a Customer tries to log in to your website, but they have entered incorrect credentials 5 times.


  2. Magic Link Attempts:
    This message appears when a Customer tries to log in using a Magic Link but fails to do so after 5 attempts.
What Happens?
The customer will be temporarily unable to attempt to log in for a period of 30 minutes. Unfortunately, there is no way for you to unblock them during this time. 

How to resolve:

  1. You have the option to send the Customer a Magic Link. If they have not used up all 5 login attempts with the Magic Link, they will be able to successfully log in.
  2. If the previous step is unsuccessful, the customer can utilize the Reset Password option once the 30-minute duration has elapsed to regain access to their account.