Orders & Order Management

Kitchen Ticket Locations

Automate kitchen ticket printing with Kitchen Ticket Locations

You likely prepare food and drinks in different areas of your winery - and each area usually has its own kitchen ticket printer. Our Kitchen Ticket Locations feature allows you to create specific printer locations for each of those areas.

  • Each Kitchen Ticket Location will have a printer and items assigned to it.
  • In the POS, when items are sent to the kitchen, they will automatically be sent to the various Locations that you create.
  • Example: Burgers are sent to the Kitchen printer, while glasses of wine are sent to the Bar printer.

In this Article

Creating Kitchen Ticket Locations

Defining the physical Printers for each Kitchen Ticket Location

Workflow in the POS

Creating Kitchen Ticket Locations

Creating Kitchen Ticket Locations

  1. Go to Settings > POS Profiles
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  2. Click on the Kitchen Ticket Locations button.
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  3. Click the Add Kitchen Ticket Location button.
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  4. Enter a Title and Save.
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  5. Click into the Location.
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  6. Search for and Add any applicable Products. Example: this is for the Bar Location, so all drinks/glasses of wine would be added.
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  7. Once they are all added, click the Save button.
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'Requires Prep' Toggle on the Product

'Requires Prep' Toggle on the Product

Each Product has a 'Requires Prep' toggle can can be configured 'on' or 'off'.

  • For items that don’t require prep (example - a bottle of wine):  Toggle the setting to 'Off'. This will remove them from the 'Sent items to kitchen' modal in the POS. This keeps it clean by displaying items that actually need sending.
  • For items that do require prep (example - a burger): Toggle the setting to 'On'. This will ensure that it displays in the 'Sent items to kitchen' modal in the POS.

Here's where to find it:

  1. Click into the Product and go to the Advanced tab.
  2. Toggle the Required Prep button to 'on' (for those items that require it). 
  3. Choose the applicable Location and Save.
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  4. You also have the option to create a new Location on the fly if-needed.
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Defining the physical Printers for each Kitchen Ticket Location

Once you have configured the Locations and Products, the next step is to map those Locations to the physical printer locations at your property.

This setup is configured on a per POS Profile basis, allowing for flexibility depending on your property's layout and needs.

Example 1: 

POS Profile A -

  • This winery location has two printers
    • Printer 1 is located in the Bar
    • Printer 2 is located in the Kitchen

Products with a 'Bar' kitchen ticket location  will be sent to the Bar printer - and Products with a 'Kitchen' kitchen ticket location will be sent to the Kitchen printer.

Example 2:

POS Profile B -

  • This winery location has one printer
    • Printer 1 is located in the Kitchen

All products (both 'Bar' and 'Kitchen' kitchen location Products) will be sent to the one printer.

For our purposes here, we will be configuring for a winery location that has two printers (example 1 above):

  1. Go to Settings > POS Profiles.
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  2. Choose the applicable POS Profile.
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  3. Scroll to the Printers section at the bottom of the page. Locate the first applicable printer Title/name. 
  4. Choose the Kitchen Ticket Location for this specific printer from the drop down.
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  5. To define additional Printers/Kitchen Ticket Locations, click the Add Printer link.
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  6. Enter the printer details and define the Kitchen Ticket Location.
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  7. Continue to add Printers if-needed.
  8. When complete, click the Save POS Profile button.
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Just One Printer?

If you are configuring for a winery location that just has ONE printer, you would need to add BOTH Kitchen Ticket Locations to the Printer configuration:

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Do you need to define a Kitchen Ticket Location for every printer?

No. If you have a printer located somewhere where there will never need kitchen/bar prep (say, in the gift shop), you can leave the Kitchen Ticket Location field blank.

Workflow in the POS


Workflow in the POS

  1. Add items to the Cart in the POS.
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  2. In the dropdown, choose the Send Items to Kitchen option.
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  3. Choose the items you want to send. 
  4. Click the Send Items to Kitchen button. Notice that you don't see the bottle of wine in this list. That's because wine does not need any prep, therefore it does not display in this list. (The 'Requires Prep' button is toggled 'off' on the wine Product).
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  5. The pretzel has now been automatically sent to the correct printer location (in the outdoor Patio Kitchen).
  6. Back on the Cart, you will see the following indicators for your staff:
    1. The pretzel is color-coded green (because it has been sent to the kitchen).
    2. The burger is color-coded blue (because it requires prep but has not been sent to the kitchen yet).
    3. The bottle of wine is color-coded grey (because it does not require kitchen prep).
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  7. When it's time to send the Burger for prep, it will be sent to the correct (main indoor kitchen) printer location.
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