Club Packages & Processing
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Adding a Requested Ship Date to Club Releases

Set a Requested Ship Date for individual Members - or for your entire Club Release

In this article

Adding a Requested Ship Date to an Individual Club Shipment

Adding a Requested Ship Date to an entire Club Shipment

Where does the Requested Ship Date display?

How does Requested Ship Date get passed to ShipCompliant/Fulfillment?

Adding a Requested Ship Date to an Individual Club Shipment

Although we recommend taking advantage of the automation the Commerce7 Club tools have to offer, you can add a unique ship date to an individual club shipment. Here's how:
  1. Click on Club > Club Releases
  2. Click on the Club Release you want to edit.
  3. Click on Step 2: Shipments
  4. Search and click on the applicable Member's Shipment.
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  5. Scroll down and click on the pencil icon next to Shipping.

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  6. Click into the Requested Ship Date field. Choose a date from the date picker and click the Save Shipping button.
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Adding a Requested Ship Date to an Entire Club Release  

  1. Click on Club > Club Releases
  2. Click on the Club Release you want to edit - if it's already created. You will also see this option when first creating a new Club Release.
  3. Click the Add Requested Ship Date link.
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  4. Choose the Ship Date from the date picker and click the Save button.

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Your Club Orders will now have the requested ship date as specified. 

Where does the Requested Ship Date display?

Members: Requested Ship Date displays in the Club Transaction emails. 


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Admins: Requested Ship Date displays in the Club Shipment.

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What about ShipCompliant and Fulfillment?

Requested Ship Date flows to ShipCompliant (if applicable) and on to Fulfillment.

What happens if a Member already has an individual requested ship date on their Release? 

The Member's individual requested ship date will override the general Release Ship Date.