Notes & Tasks

Managing Notes, Tasks & Flags

The steps to create a Note, Task or Flag and where these fields will appear in the system

Notes, Tasks & Flags can be added to:

Notes, tasks and flags are internal facing fields that allow you to track details about a customer or club member and/or to communicate action items and assign to other users/employees. 

Review all Notes & Tasks by navigating to CRM > Notes & Tasks

Search and select or use the filter tools by selecting the filter drop down menus. Select Export at the top to export all Notes & Tasks or the ones currently selected.

The export will include the customers email address

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Adding notes, tasks and flags to a customer profile  

Navigate to CRM > Customers > search and select the customer you want to edit 

Use the drop down menu to select the Type:

  • Note
  • Task
  • Flag

Use the text box to add the note or flag message you want to appear. Then select Save Customer Note

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Tasks have a text field, due date, drop down to assign the task to a user/employee.

Select the Edit icon beside the task to mark it as complete. 

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Notes, tasks & flags will be appear under the customer record in two places.  

  • On the right hand of side of the customer profile
  • Under the Notes/Tasks tab 

Select the Edit icon to edit or delete notes and flags. 

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Flags will appear in red message bar across the top of the customer profile page. This is useful to ensure sales associates and admin see the flag message. 

Select the Edit icon beside the flag and you have the option to edit, complete the task or delete. 

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Customers with a flag will be marked with a red 'alert' symbol in the customer search.


Select the red alert symbol from the customer list and view the flag without opening the full customer profile. 


Flags will also appear when searching a customer from the POS.

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Adding notes, tasks and flags to an order

Navigate to Store > Orders > select the order you want to edit.

Use the drop down menu to select the Type:

  • Note
  • Task
  • Flag

Use the text box to add the message you want to appear. 

Notes and Flags have a text box only. Enter the information and select Save Order Note

Current and completed notes, tasks and flags will appear below with an option to view all.

Select the Edit icon beside the note or flag to edit or delete.

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Orders with a flag will be marked with a red 'alert' symbol in the order search. 

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Select the red alert symbol from the customer list and view the flag without opening the full order page or customer profile.

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Adding notes, tasks and flags to club memberships

Navigate to Club > Membership > search and select the club member you want to edit. 

Use the drop down menu to select the Type:

  • Note
  • Task
  • Flag

Use the text box to add the message you want to appear. 

Notes and Flags have a text box only. Enter the information and select Save Customer Note

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Current and completed notes, tasks and flags will appear on the right with an option to View All

Select the Edit icon beside the note or flag to edit or delete.

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Flags on a club membership will appear in a red message bar across the top. Select the Edit icon beside the flag to edit, delete or mark the task as complete. 

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Club memberships with a flag will be marked with a red 'alert' symbol in the membership search. Select the red alert symbol from the membership list and view the flag without opening the full customer profile. 



Exporting Notes & Tasks

Export Notes & Tasks to CSV file
  1. Go to the Dashboard > CRM .
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  2. Click on the Notes & Tasks link.
  3. In the Actions dropdown, choose Export Notes & Tasks. This will export the data to a CSV file.
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