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How are discounts calculated when multiple Promotions and Coupons are applied to the same order?
When multiple discounts are applied to the same order, it follows the following order of operations:
- Percentage Off discounts are calculated first. If there are multiple Percentage Off discounts applying, it will be calculated in alphabetical order.
- Dollars Off discounts are calculated second. If there are multiple Dollars Off discounts applying, it will be calculated in alphabetical order.
- Flat Rate discounts are calculated last.
$100 Order has two Promotions applying to it
- "Promo A" gives a 20% Club discount.
- "Promo B" gives an additional 10%.
- These will apply alphabetically - so Promo A takes 20% off of $100 resulting in a new subtotal of $80.
- Promo B then applies to $80 saving 10% or $8.00 for a final subtotal of $72.00.
A Note About Shipping Discounts
Discounts are deducted from the full Shipping Amount. If the amount of the Discount(s) exceeds the full Shipping Amount, then it will be calculated as zero on the Order.
The below Order has two Flat Rate Shipping Coupons applying to it.
- FLAT6 = $2 Flat Rate Shipping on 6 bottles.
- FLAT12 - $10 Flat Rate Shipping on 12 bottles.
- The (before Discount) Full Shipping Rate is $43.
- That means that FLAT6 is saving the Customer $41 AND
- That means FLAT12 is saving the Customer $33
- If C7 were to apply both of those to the Shipping line item, it would take the Shipping total into the negative. So, in these cases, C7 calculates $0 on the Order.