
Creating a Donation Product

This article is an overview of how to create a donation product so you can collect donations for a charity organization in your tasting room.

Creating a donation product allows sales associates to collect donations from customers during the checkout process. 

This article is an overview of how to create a donation product, how to create product variants for your donation product, how to add a donation to a POS order and how to report and remit funds to your charity organization.

Creating a donation product 

Start creating a donation product by navigating to Store > Products.

Then, select Add Product. Choose the General Merchandise product type.


Give the product a Title (i.e. "Donation"). 

Make the Web Status of this product Unavailable.

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If you leave the Web Status as Available and add the donation product to a current collection on your website, the donation product will appear with an Add to Cart button on your website. Customers will be able to add this donation product to their cart.

Continue setting up your donation product by completing all the setup fields accordingly. For more information on setting up a general merchandise product, click here.  

Make sure to use the drop down menu under Tax Type and select Not Taxable

Adding product variants for your donation product

Once you have setup your donation product, you can setup additional variants for multiple values (i.e. $2, $5, $10 etc.)

Variant options that you setup will be available as choices when the donation product is selected by staff, on the POS. 

To add a product variant for your donation product, search for the donation product, scroll to the information section and click the button called Add Additional Variant.

Complete the setup fields for each variant, including variant Title, SKU & Price

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Adding a donation product to a collection

Now that you have created a donation product, you can add it to a current collection or create a new collection. You will also want to ensure the collection is listed under the POS Profile. 

For more information on how to add a product to collection, click here.

For more information on how to add a collection to a POS Profile, click here.

Adding a donation to a POS order

Your tasting room staff can ask customers if they would like to make a donation. The staff can select the product from the POS and add it to the customer's cart.

If you have your donation setup with multiple variants, when the product is selected on the POS, all the variant options will appear. 

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Remitting and reporting donations 

To calculate what needs to be remitted at the end of the month, navigate to Repots > Order Reports > Sales by Sku Report.

Then, use the filters to select a date range.  

Record the total sales for the donation sku and transfer the collected funds to the charity organization (outside of Commerce7). 

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