Shipping & Operating Countries
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Overriding Operating Countries for a Product

In Commerce7, it is possible to override your compliance settings (what you have setup under Settings > Operating Countries) on a product by product basis.

The way the product override works is that you can only override within the States you have configured under Settings > Operating Countries.

First, you will need to configure your operating countries for wine and non-wine products under Settings > Operating Countries and then follow the steps below to override compliance on products that can't ship to a certain state. For more information on Operating countries, click here.

We recommend consulting with your compliance team before adding or adjusting compliance under Settings > Countries/States, or on specific products. 


  1. Click on Store > Products and then search and select the product you want to edit.
  2. Once you're in the editing screen for the product, click the Compliance tab.
  3. Next, check the box next to Override Operating Countries/States.
  4. Once you select the box, Canada, United States and World options will populate below. Select the pencil icon next to Canada, United States or World to customize the states, provinces or countries that you want to customize for that product.c7-Nov-03-2020-04-16-58-13-PM
  5. Remember to Save selection when you are done.